
Spotify Wrapped 2019

Spotify Wrapped 2019

End of Decade Wrapped

I had the privilege of joining the team at Spotify to help them produce the 2019 and of decade Wrapped web experience. This yearly project is a large effort across internal teams at Spotify as well as our great development partner Active Theory.

My Role

As the producer of the project, I acted as the intermediary between the internal and external teams. Providing every user with a beautiful recap of their music habits for the year, and in this case, the decade, was a large backend task. I collaborated with Spotify's talented API and data teams to ensure that our front-end partner could accurately retrieve and display each user's data.

The front-end of the site was a creative collaboration between Spotify's creative team and Active Theory, and I managed the relationship between the teams while ensuring we addressed stakeholder feedback and stuck to our timeline. To give the site more life, we utilized the 3D rendering library WebGL and Three.js.

Within the first day, millions of users had viewed the experience, and traffic exponentially grew as we headed into 2020.